Blogger’s Block Strikes Another

Blogger’s block seems to be abound these days. It’s strange how patterns form.

Earlier today I read A Realistic Chat About Design Process and wanted to say that part of what Keith Robinson (of Blue Flavor) says there is the post I attempted to write last night, but was too tired.

But when going back to his site, I confronted a new post about how he plans to scrap his blog and start from scratch. Two prime reasons for this move include:

I’ve been suffering from writer’s block.
I’m blogging more and writing less. I don’t like that.

And that got me thinking. Are we going to reach a critical mass with blogging, where people stop blogging, because it’s too much, either in the amount of time needed to blog, or in the amount of information it adds to the already seemingly exponential growth of information that is easily available?

I never thought I’d write some much about blogging, but like I said earlier, it’s strange how patterns form. Just last month I wrote about why people blog.

And I think some of the points I made could be coming to fruition. Everyone is jumping on the blogging wagon. Even so, at the same time others are starting to question their blogging—even those who have been on it for quite a while. Given the time it takes to write decent content, it seems like a matter of time before people start jumping off and doing something else.

What will that something else be?

What would I be doing right now if I wasn’t blogging? Man, I feel like I wrote about this in my previous post. (How many times can I link to myself?)

I can definitely relate to Keith’s dilemma and decision, especially since I recently moved operations from Wanton Spirit to this site. He’s talking about doing almost the exact thing I did. I’m not sure what mystery I’m trying to solve, but by golly if a lot of evidence and coincidence isn’t stacking up.

I can also relate to his comment of blogging versus writing. After SXSW, I nearly wrote a post daily, mostly because I was inspired, and partly because I had a butt load of notes. But this got me to thinking I should blog every day. However, if I force myself to do that, I know my posts will not be of as much value than if I blog when I truly have something to say, and the time to say it. So in effect, I am posting, or blogging, but not really creating good content.

So I’ve been thinking that I should not force myself to blog.

There is a balance of course, because I don’t want to be so absent as to cause my faithful readers (joke between me, myself, and my other self) to forget about me. But more and more I’m beginning to realize that I have a full-job and a side business and a social life and blogging has to play nicely with all of that for me to be happy. And I can’t stress out if I don’t post every day.

I thought about the move from Wanton Spirit to for nearly a year before I made the decision that I wanted to have a site that was more reflective of me, and closer to me. I advise Keith that while blogging and blogger’s block can be frustrating, perhaps instead of closing shop, he should take a break. Think about it for a while (unless, of course, he already has), and then make a decision.

(Though part of me relishes a more reckless approach.)

He’s got some great posts, one of which I was going to talk about tonight. And another that ultimately inspired this post. If he stops blogging, he will be missed. But to reiterate a point I made a few weeks ago, you don’t have to have a blog. Whether you share your thoughts or not, life will go on.

Get it while it’s hot!

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