Making Furniture Interactive

Instead of doing an independent study on composition, or Research Methods with Dick Buchanan, or an introduction to industrial design fundamentals, I’m taking Making Furniture Interactive with Mark Gross. I’m working with a microcontroller, wires, LEDs,...

First Info Vis Crit

I haven’t talked much about my Information Visualization course with Ben Fry and Golan Levin. They are quite an amusing pair, a mix of design and art and nerdery. Today we had our first crit, which only involved select projects. Mine was not one of them. And...

Ben Fry Talks Data Visualization

Ben Fry visited our design studio class again, this time to give a presentation instead of critiquing our work. He talked about the importance of being able to visualize complex data in order to gain a better understanding of what we’re talking about, for...

Data Poster Critiqued by Ben Fry

After depriving myself of sleep and taking a chance that my poster would work it??????s way through the print queue in time for class (we were told to allow 48 hours and I submitted my job at 2 a.m.), I gladly hung my poster on the wall with everyone else during grad...