Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective

On February 5, 2010, at Interaction10, I presented Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective. Since studying interaction design and service design at Carnegie Mellon University, I have wrestled with the relationship between the two. During an interview with...

Speaking at IxD10

I will be speaking at the Interaction 10 conference on Friday, February 5 in Savannah. The title of my talk will be “Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective.” What is service design? How is it different from interaction design? Or isn’t it? As an...

The Most Influential Interaction Design Products

Dan Saffer recently asked, “If I asked you to name the most influential interaction design products, you would say…?” I found this question a bit confusing. It raised a lot of questions. My instinct was to respond by asking, “What product does...

Moggridge Says Interaction Design May be Unnecessary

I saw a screening of the film Objectified, after which the director, Gary Hustwit, and two of the designers featured in the film, Bill Moggridge (IDEO) and Dan Formosa (Smart Design), did a little Q&A. One audience member asked Moggridge to reflect on defining...

Designing for Behavior

For a while now, when people ask me about being an interaction designer, I have explained it as designing for behavior: what, how, and why someone interacts with a product, service, or organization. As an interaction designer, I tread in the land of emotion,...